The FridgeSmart Medium Deep is W 7.4" x H 5.3" x L 11.2" tall with a capacity of 4.4L, can keep fruits and vegetables such as: apples, artichokes, beetroot, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and way more.
The FridgeSmart Medium is W 7.4" x H 2.7" x L 11.2" tall with a capacity of 1.8L, can keep fruits and vegetables such as: asparagus, been sprouts, beetroot, blueberries, brussel sprouts, carrot and more.
The FridgeSmart Small Deep is W 5.6" x H 5.3" x L 7.4" tall with a capacity of 1.8L, can keep fruits and vegetables such as: been sprouts, beetroot, brussel sprouts, fresh herbs, and others.
The FridgeSmart Small is W 14.2 x H 6.8 x L 18.8 cm
tall with a capacity of 800 ml and is ideal for keeping your lemon or lime wedges fresh, your strawberries sweet or your baby tomatoes tangy.
The FridgeSmart Extra Small is W 14.2 x H 13.4 x L 18.8 cm tall with a capacity of 375 ml. Keeps your blueberries, raspberries and garden peas fresher, longer!